Abstract Developments donates $75,000 to The Cridge Centre for the Family
The Cridge Centre for the Family received a boost to its programs thanks to a $75,000 donation from Abstract Developments.
The donation will help families and individuals who are seeking extra support particularly since the start of the pandemic.
We recognize that these can be difficult times for people living in our city and it seems more important than ever to support the programs through The Cridge Centre. These programs provide hope and support for some of the most vulnerable members of our community.
—Rebecca Miller, director of sales at Abstract Developments
The Cridge Centre has 148 years of history in Victoria and their various programs support a wide-range of local people including women leaving violent relationships, families needing supportive and transitional housing, seniors, survivors of brain injuries and young and single parents.
The donation provided over two years is part of Abstract’s long-term commitment to The Cridge Centre. The locally owned company that employs more than 50 people has provided Christmas gifts to women in transition, provided funding for new playground equipment and participated in the Ride for Refuge – a family friendly cycling and walk fundraiser that supports charities which provide refuge and hope for displaced, vulnerable, and exploited people around the world.
We are grateful to Abstract Developments for their ongoing support of The Cridge Centre. We believe that by supporting those who are vulnerable and in need, we are growing a stronger community, one precious life at a time.
—Shelley Morris, Cridge Centre CEO
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